BAA Direct is here for the guy
who wants to custom paint his own ride. Most custom paint shops
want the average car, truck, or motorcycle enthusiast to think that
adding graphics to your ride is next to brain surgery. Forget that
- this is simpler than you'd ever imagine.
Finally... the simple "speed graphics" secrets for ANYONE... even raw beginners...
to produce complex graphics FAST and without worry. Use this simple "4-Keys" system on cars, trucks, motorcycles, anything you want - it doesn't matter. The results are always the same - jaw dropping graphics in a few days while other custom "artists" are taking weeks -- even months -- to get the job done.
This "4-Keys" process (a perfect fit for the "mechanically" minded guy who isn't an "artist"), combines new cutting-edge graphic techniques... solid "project-quickening" secrets... and tons of advanced (but easy to learn) old-school illustration and airbrushing tricks.
You'll discover: An astonishing tip to quickly developing an "illustrator's eye" for fast and easy design layout that takes just minutes when most guys are taking weeks... the " design flip" trick that will have you exactly matching both sides of your design using a sheet of inexpensive "butcher paper"... the simple "grid-pattern" lesson that will infuse drawing skills straight into your brain... And more... a LOT more. There's even a very cool "Heavy Metal Special FXs" FREE bonus (worth $49) that covers exactly how to create thick metallic-looking tribal graphics - one of the industry's hot money-makers right now.
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REAL FIRE: With just one special stencil
a few short hours
and with NO "art" experience at all
you'll discover the simple and inexpensive secrets to easily creating mind-blowing REALISTIC FLAMES guaranteed!
This NEW quick-learn program will have you painting the most sought-after
and astonishing realistic flames practically OVERNIGHT! and the unique "Flame Creator" Stencil (for making it all fast & easy)... is yours FREE!
"Real Flames" is perfect for the guy who's more mechanical than "artistic" -- because there's NO art involved! Just a special stencil and an easy-to-learn 9-step procedure that anyone who can wrench a bolt can follow. It's designed to be inexpensive... simple... and easy _ all explained step-by-step without any "artistic fluff". Watch it just once and you'll have the confidence to start painting realistic flames the next day. It's that powerful.
Discover the 3 different styles of realistic flames for maximum realism with minimum effort... exactly how to get your Flame Creator stencil do the work for you (you'll look like a graphics genius in the process)... how to easily "erase" any mistake at any stage of your job so even beginners have NOTHING to worry about... three easy "confidence building" techniques that will quickly get you up to speed... the one secret to making it all "fool-proof" _ no matter what goes wrong. And more
a LOT more.
There's also a genourous ONE YEAR guarantee.
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Special FXs: You dont have to be some college-educated
artist to render and illustrate like a pro
wild special FXs
or airbrush as realistically
as a photograph and make wads of money doing it. The
secrets have nothing to do with being an artist. And it certainly
has nothing to do with being born with any natural abilities
-- and Larry Savis about to PROVE it to you by showing you
twelve of todays hottest special FXs!
Vivid Special FXs Youll discover exactly
how to use the new MirraChrome paint... (looks
identical to real chrome and very few people know how to
use it -- but now youll know)... Crystal FXs
masking material that makes your basecolor look like frozen
shards of ice, (weird stuff that people just cant stop looking
at)... Four absolutely amazing flopping pearl
special FXs... an astonishing tie-dyed color
match all demonstrated on a racing helmet... a classic Granite
Special FX... airbrush rendering speed-mixing tricks..
a multi-colored overlapping flame effect will
have you creating dozens of wild colors from just three simple transparent
colors... and more.
This Vivid Special FX package is HUGE nearly
3-1/2 hours of rock solid instruction, explained clearly, and demonstrated
in detail right before your very eyes. PLUS it includes a FREE
Advanced Airbrushing Secrets video -- yours to keep
no matter if you return everything for a full and prompt refund.
Its an astonishingly complete package that you wont
find anywhere else.
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Custom Paint Secrets - Finally
a "mega"-simple... easy-to-learn... and low-cost custom-system
in action
shown step-by-step on TWO bad-ass Harleys!
Mike Lynch has been doing world-class, mind-blowing, custom
bike-building, paint and graphics for nearly 35 years
from his little Northend Choppers shop in Central California. You've
no doubt seen his work in most of the industry's biggest
truck, car-and-bike magazines. He's "hands-on" built
and custom-painted literally thousands of one-of-a-kind jobs,
including NASCAR racer Jeff Gordon's "Silver Crown"
the race cars of Ryan Newman's
wicked custom
cycles for the biggest biker clubs in the world (yes, including
bikes for the Hell's Angels)
seventeen "Ultra-Custom"
bikes for Easy Rider, (including the now-famous flame job
on the land-speed world-record holder "Stream Liner")
and on and on.
Learn how to achieve a perfect "Mad Dog" marbleized
candy red (all done on an bad-ass Harley FXD owned by a California
Hell's Angels)... How to make complex letter-painting look
like child's play. End result is high-dollar pro lettering
that requires ZERO "art" skills... how to get a beautiful
deep urethane purple candy paint job (your rare chance
to see an entire show-quality candy paint job from the ground up...
how to paint something to look exactly like reflective
chrome... quick and simple lessons to airbrushing starbursts
simple landscapes... beveled edged lettering
and a lot
more. And a LOT more. Believe me
you DON'T need to know
anything about art. We walk you through it all to make it easy!
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brand NEW "Wicked and Wild"
videoset reveals ELEVEN of today's hottest, most popular
"big dollar" custom-paint secrets. These are the "sure
money" tricks that use nothing more than paint and materials
to do practically all the work. Very little effort
NO "artistic" abilities needed
and the payoff is
Discover the secrets to dazzling color-changing "Chameleon"
paint... Double-Layered Marbelizing... "knee-deep" Candy
Basecoats... perfectly even multi-lines of a speckled "Water Drop"
special effect... sparkling "Metal Flake"... super cool aligator
skin-like "Vreeble Crackle"... rich "Candy Fade"
between two colors... a simple Card Masking trick for a wicked and
dramatic "Kolidoscope" special FX... dramatic enamel "speckled
accents"... easy and stunning airbrushed "Streaking Candy"...
exactly how to mix, spray and cut "spray mask" to get a "splat"
special FX... the easy way to get a "super-bright pearl"
flame job... a simple "wham-bam" paint trick that uses two different
basecoat colors and a simple flame stencil to add wild texture in minutes.
And a lot more. There's also a FREE "Dragon Fire"
video and a cool "Tips To Setting Up Your Home Shop" audiotape
both yours FREE even if you decide to return "Wicked and Wild"
for a full refund.
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FIRESTORM: Larry Savi is considered to be
a minor “god” in the deep “inner circles”
of the customizing industry winning “First Place”
finishes at the World of Wheels… National T-Bird Show…
All Ford Show… the Good Guys Nationals… Heaven Drags
& More… Greenway… BOP Annual Show… Class Run
to the Pines… and dozens more!
In his brand-new video-set “Firestorm” you’ll
learn… little known but powerful trick for
“tri-layering” white pearl… prep secrets
for any factory-ordered sheet-metal products…
a stunning “rain drop” multi-colored
ghost graphics… the one trick for color-checking your
work to avoid screw-ups… a stunning “two-step”
bright-orange pearl… a cool “transfer
and flip” spray mask trick… “spray bondo”
(very cool)… how to seal off the gas cap neck
so you NEVER have to worry about gas “creeping” under
your custom paint. And more… a LOT more! Watch
it in the morning and start using it in the afternoon. Tons of body-paint
and graphics tricks and tips from a true master that’s simple
and easy to follow.
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all of today's custom work is being made with STENCILS. It's the
"dirty little trick" customizers use to help guide them quickly
and without worry through complex graphics. But of course the
real "trick" is knowing HOW to use them.
3-tape, 3-1/2 hour video-set will teach you how to make your stencil
work look free-hand -- including the simple "light source"
concept... easy "hard-edge" blending tricks... defining your
highlight, midtone, and shadow areas... and super-simple secrets to
achieving 3-dimensional graphics using nothing more than
a $10 airbrush and a flat set of stencils... how to use your three
"positive cut" stencils and a simple pearl to make a dramatic
ghost-skull in less than TWO MINUTES... how to create your
own stencils using a common and inexpensive material...
stencil design and "composition" tips that will help your
overall design come together as tight as a jigsaw puzzle... simple
wet sanding techniques... easy drop-shadows... producing stunning "background"
ghost flames... what kinds of paints... how they're mixed... brand names...
simple "insider" art and design tricks... flash and dry times... everything.
There's a ton of material. It's compact, simple, and easy-to-learn.
You'll ALSO receive
a $60 set of "Skull-N-Flames" stencils FREE --
yours to keep.
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Graphics" This 3-tape, 3-hour instruction is
the "top-level" in complex graphics painting -- but what's
stunning is that you do not have to be an "artist" or
even know ANYTHING about auto and bike graphics to do this. In fact,
the only thing you need to bring to the table is the strong desire
to produce pro-level, awarding winning auto-and-bike graphics because
Bob Kovacs walks you through the simple step-by-step "construction"
of complex, multi-layered graphics. It's mega-advanced, intensive
instruction that ANYONE can follow because it's presented in a simple
step-by-step format. This amazing package comes with our solid gold
100% guarantee. If you don't like it, send it back and you'll be
rushed every cent of your purchase price. PLUS... at the end of
"Tape 3" you'll also receive the FREE 30-minute BONUS
video "Ghost Flames" available to only a limited number
of buyers who act now. This amazing footage shows you EXACTLY how
to achieve "ghost images" quickly, without a lot of fuss...
customizers around the world are going nuts over this one! This
entire "Tape 3" (that's 90 minutes) is yours to KEEP even
if you decide to return "Mojo Graphics" for a full refund.
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"5 Simples Steps to Killer Graphics"
is a 2-hour 2-tape video package that will teach you the well-guarded
insider secrets to adding custom graphics to your car, truck, helmet,
motorcycle, -- anything you want. Learn simple but advanced secrets
to airbrushing, pin striping, masking, types of paints, and tons
more. PLUS you'll get FREE the 50-minute "Wild Vinyl"
video - where you'll learn the secrets to quickly tricking out your
ride using inexpensive adhesive vinyl, AND the "Making Money
with Customizing" audio tape that will give you "insider"
tips on making money (lots of it) with your new customizing skills.
The entire package is 100% guaranteed - if you don't like it for
any reason, simply send it back and we'll rush you every penny of
your purchase price. But the "Wild Vinyl" video and the
"Making Money" audio are both yours to keep FREE.
Tell Me More! || Buy
Pinstriping Secrets" is an incredible 2-tape
video package will quickly teach you the simple (but highly advanced)
secrets to painting flawless lines on hot rods and motorcycles.
And it doesn't matter if you can draw a straight line or not --
this is easy once you know the secrets. Bob Kovacs teaches you critical
tricks to perfect "smooth as butter" paint mix... exactly
which brush will allow you to pull those long even lines... the
easy "roll of the brush" method to beautiful curved lines
(this one will bring tears to your eyes)... the cool "pressure
trick" to acheiving paper thin lines and bold fat lines from
the same "striper" brush (not hard once you know how)...
8 down-and-dirty "bread and butter" designs that look
great and but only take minutes (stripers charge a fortune to do
these -- and there's nothing to it!)... and tons more! This video
package is the most complete pinstriping instruction anywhere on
the planet and is a steal at $69. It will be shipped to you immediately
and comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you don't like it,
for any reason, send it back for a full refund of your purchase
price. No questions, no hassles. This is a must-see for anyone serious
about learning astonishing pro-level pinstriping secrets, and there's
NO RISK to you.
Now |