I Have A FREE Set of Top-Quality "Skull-N-Flame"
Stencils That Will Suddenly Allow You To Quickly and
Easily Paint Dramatic Custom Graphics
And They're Yours to Keep... Absolutely FREE!
I'll Even
Show You EXACTLY How To Use These Pro-Grade Stencils To Stun
and Amaze
Even Hotshot Experts _ Even If You Have ZERO Art Experience
And Have Never Custom-Painted a Thing In Your Entire Life!
From: James Curley
President, BAA Direct
Dear Friend:
I can be a good friend. A very good friend.
Because right now I have a FREE "Skull-N-Flame"
stencil-set sitting on my desk waiting for YOU. No kidding --
these are top-quality, one-of-a-kind, laser-cut, chemical resistant,
Mylar stencils made specifically for creating custom auto-and-bike
graphics. They're worth $60 and they're yours to keep.
So why am I being such a good friend? Well, let's
just call it...
A "Shameless Bribe".
You see, I want you to check out my incredible
NEW video package I call "Radical Stencil Designs".
It's an exciting, mega-advanced graphics course that
will not only teach you how to use your new stencils, but
also show you tons of new custom painting tricks and
tips. It's a MUST-SEE if you're truly interested in creating astonishing
auto-and-bike graphics the EASY way.
So here's what's going on: Almost all of
today's custom work _ including the stunning "blow-your-socks-off"
kind of graphics appearing inside big-time national car-and-bike
magazines _ is being made with STENCILS. It's the "dirty little
trick" customizers use to help guide them quickly
and without worry through complex graphics.
But of course the real "trick"
is knowing HOW to use them. Because once you understand how it's
done (and it's not hard) you too will pull-off that
same level of professional jaw-dropping custom work... and start
getting the respect and BIG money that ALL pro-customizers have
come to expect.
Don't believe it? No problem you
don't have to. Because I want to PROVE it to you by
Giving YOU A
FREE "Test-Drive" Of
This Amazing NEW Video Set.
That's right. See it all for FREE if you
choose -- because there's NO RISK to you at all. "Radical Stencil
Designs" is 3-tapes, (a full 3-1/2 hours) of solid instruction
that will show you, step-by-step, EXACTLY how you can use
your stencils to create amazing custom graphics... AND a lot
more. You don't need any expensive equipment
or some
hot-shot graphic designer "degree"
or even much
of money. In fact, I'm going to show you how you can produce...
A $2,000 Skull-and-Flame Graphic Job
Over a Weekend... For Less Than
Gas-Money To A Sturgis "Bike-Rally".
You'll go from a mild-mannered car-and-cycle lover
to a customizing superman. NO bull _ it's that good.
Car-and-bike "builders" especially love
"Radical Stencil Designs". Because after spending months
piecing together their ride _ they've been forced to take a back
seat to the "artist" who spends an easy weekend painting
the skulls and flames. Well now these builders are using my simple
doing it themselves, and
Making All The Money And
Taking ALL The Credit.
That's at least a cool two-grand in their
pocket. Good for them. And now it's good for YOU too.
Because here's what I've for you right now:
I've been living, eating, and breathing custom graphics for nearly
30-years now. I've hung-out with, and learned from, some of the
world's greatest "underground" customizers ever. These
guys are currently doing work for Jesse James and his "West
Coast Choppers" shop
have taken "Best of Show"
at dozens of national car and bike shows
have painted hotrods
and bikes for the biggest names in LA... and are ALL making serious
BUCKS for just a few hours of their time.
They're ornery sons-of-guns who regularly throw
"hanger-ons" out of their shops. So believe me
NOT going to be able to "pop-in" and pick up some custom
graphic tips from these guys.
But they ALL know about my little company. It
turns out that by delivering good solid information to guys like
you... without all the bull... I've built-up quite a reputation.
So these world-class customizers were more than happy to
help out.
And help-out they did. Together
we've made an intensive custom-graphics course that's easy to follow.
You will NOT find this anywhere else because NO ONE is putting out
this kind of straight forward detailed information.
"Radical Stencil Designs" is designed
to actually teach a newcomer the simple and easy-to-learn tricks
to using your new stencils... plus a lot more.
A whole lot more.
Here's just a taste of what you'll learn:
- How to repair simple dings and dents in minutes using
an inexpensive quick-dry "Spot-Lite" filler. You'll
see everything from exactly which hardener to use (and
how to avoid "bleed-through"), to set-up times and simple
sanding techniques. Your surface will be absolutely perfect
before you even begin.
- How to make your stencil work look free-hand including
the simple "light source" concept
easy "hard-edge"
blending tricks
defining your highlight, midtone, and
shadow areas
and super-simple secrets to achieving 3-dimensional
graphics using nothing more than a $10 airbrush and a flat
set of stencils.
- How to use your three "positive cut" stencils
and a simple pearl to make a dramatic ghost-skull in less than
TWO MINUTES. No joke _ this one tip will make you look like a
friggin' customizing genius.
- How to create your own stencils using a common and inexpensive
material. Learn to easily and quickly copy your favorite designs
to stencils, then use them to create your own original
custom graphics. It's easy
and will make
you look like a pro fast.
- When a primer-surfacer is necessary and exactly
how to mix and apply it. This one simple step can literally erase
minor surface flaws and give you a surface on which your paint
will "bite".
- The proper way to mix and apply "adhesion promoter"
and why you don't want to do this wrong. Your graphics
will "bind" to the surface forever guaranteeing
that they'll be admired for years to come.
- Exactly how to properly mix and spray your metallic basecoats
_ the very foundation for a stunning candy overlay.
- An "Intercoat Clear" mixing trick that will provide
you with light protection between graphic layers. Follow along
closely and your graphics will remain thin and clean.
- Exactly how to mix and use candy "Intensifiers"
to achieve dramatic "knee deep" candies that absolutely
come alive in sunlight. Do it one way and you'll achieve dramatic
"streaking" for wild graphic effects, another
way for perfectly even, smooth-as-silk coverage.
- How to use BOTH your negative stencils and positive
stencils to quickly "build" your graphic into a
stunning masterpiece.
- Why a simple airbrush "diaper" can absolutely
protect your work and save you from the disastrous "drips"
heartache. Knowing this will let you work fast and clean.
- Stencil design and "composition" tips that
will help your overall design come together as tight as a jigsaw
puzzle. Believe me
you don't need a degree in "art"
to learn this.
- The three BIGGEST mistakes most new guys make when mixing
their own candies. You'll learn the right way, the wrong way,
and how to completely take the worry out of mixing-up your own
candy Intensifiers.
- The secrets to pencil thin airbrush lines that will allow
you to work in close with your airbrush and stencils... with absolutely
NO concerns about blowouts or "material dump".
- The simple "50% rule" all custom painter MUST
keep in mind for perfectly even, candy coverage. This trick will
quickly make your candies dance
having you look like a seasoned
- How to get four completely unique looks from one simple
set of flame stencils. Overlap them while you work and get complex
graphics in minutes. Even the experts will swear it took
you weeks!
- A brand-new, inexpensive, and completely unknown "paint-on"
masking material (perfectly legal in ALL states), that allows
you to quickly mask off odd-shaped surfaces like a helmet
or tank. This is one major "scoop" that NO customizer
knows about. You'll be the first _ giving you opportunity
to leave other painters in the dust.
- The simple trick to "bending" 1/8-inch masking tape
around even the most insanely curved and complex designs. Easy
to do once you see how.
- How to avoid the dreaded "opaque" candy. Learn the
trick behind laying down your candies perfect... the first time,
and every time.
- How to determine the exact moment to spray your second
and third coats of urethane-clear. Too soon and it'll sag on you
_ wait too long and it'll crack. This one simple trick makes it
all absolutely fool proof!
- The simple "three-step" finishing polish. Within
five minutes you'll have a shine deeper than Lake Tahoe and more
durable than stainless steel.
And a ton more. Simple wet sanding techniques
incredible blending techniques using a cheapie single-action airbrush
the magic of easily adding drop-shadows
producing stunning
"background" ghost flames
how to bury your graphics
under candies then use your stencils to "restore" the
highlights for a serious "WOW"
and tons more.
Way too much to cover here.
It's a LOT of info that'll make your stencil work
go quickly and smoothly. There's nothing left out.
This video-package covers it ALL step-by-step. What kinds of paints
how they're mixed
brand names
simple "insider"
art and design tricks
how to adjust your airbrush to get stellar
flash and dry times
everything. There's
a ton of material. It's compact, simple, and easy-to-learn.
Follow along carefully and absolutely stun friends
and family. They'll swear you've made a pact with the devil himself
when they see how dramatic your work suddenly becomes. There's simply
NO fluff in this. It's powerful information that will allow
you _ using your free set of stencils _ to
Start Painting "Big-Money"
Custom Graphics Tomorrow!
This is real-world customizing with EVERYTHING
demonstrated using a standard cycle helmet and a Harley
"Shovelhead" fuel tank. And like I said, all the materials
are off-the-shelf auto paints and supplies _ no "EPA prohibited"
paints or hard-to-find speciality products. Just straightforward
info using materials you'll find anywhere in the U.S.
It's packed with super-advanced instruction
that's easy-to-follow, even for beginners. But
as with all
good things
There Is One "Catch"
You must understand that these stencil-sets are
not cheap. They cost me plenty. This means I've ONLY produced
an extremely limited number -- 176 stencil-sets to be exact I
doubt very much there will EVER be any more of these stencils produced,
which means if you wait, you'll miss out. If you're
reading this, it means there's still "Skull-N-Flame" sets
available _ but only if you act NOW.
So here's what you need to do immediately:
Click on the "Buy" button below:

The price for this package is just $97 -- a bargain
considering that you can use this priceless info to earn thousands
next week. Use your credit card.
But if you'd rather talk to an operator, you can
call my office right now and tell them you're interested
in receiving the "Radical Stencil Designs" video-set and
your FREE set of stencils. That toll-free number is:
Department RS-77
Operators are standing by 24-hours a day, 7 days
a week so there's no wrong time to phone. Once again, you can use
your credit card.
Or, if you'd rather pay by mail, just send a check
or money order for $97 (plus $5 for shipping and handling. Total
$102), to:
BAA Direct Dept. RS-77
4741 Madison Ave., Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95841-2506
No matter how you order, you'll be rushed a BIG
package 3-tapes, 3 ½ hours of solid custom painting
instruction plus your FREE "Skull-N-Flame" stencil
sets (a 2-piece flame set and a 4-piece skull set). Like
I said, these are top-quality laser-cut Mylar stencils designed
specifically for their ease of use. Believe me, if you're a true
fan of custom graphics, you'll be like a kid in candy store when
you get your package.
But the best part about this deal is that
It's All 100%
That's right _ all the risk is on MY shoulders.
If you're not completely thrilled with this package for ANY
even NO reason
just send it back and I'll make
sure you're refunded EVERY PENNY of your purchase price. No questions
asked and no hassles either. In fact, I'm so confident
that you'll absolutely LOVE this that I'm even willing to
give you
One Full YEAR
To Make Up Your Mind
Take your time. Learn it. Then use it to
make some money
win some shows
or just impress the pants
off some girls. The choice is yours. This gives you
a year-long chance to check it all out for FREE if you choose.
I completely trust your judgement on this.
But no matter what you later decide, I
want you to keep the stencils _ a $60 value _ just for giving
"Radical Stencil Designs" a chance. The stencils will
last you a lifetime and it's a generous gift from me to you.
I challenge you to find another company in this
industry willing to stand behind their products like this. You
won't because there simply isn't one. BAA Direct
has developed a rock-solid reputation for backing up its words AND
treating customers like gold. It's the only reason world-class
customizers had ANYTHING to do with making this product.
But please, do this now! Word about
this amazing deal is already out and I'm getting flooded with calls
from people trying to get their hands on these free stencils. I
expect supply to be gone within the next 11 days. So if you
ARE interested, do yourself a favor and act NOW, while you're still
reading this letter. Click on the "Buy" button now...

...or call 1-888-665-6961 right
You've got nothing to lose and everything
to gain.

James Curley
P.S. You'll be stunned and delighted
when you discover how easy custom painting with stencils can be.
You can learn it all RISK FREE in mere hours and finally have the
chops to start earning the respect and kudos of the best
painters on the planet! But hurry, because I expect these
stencils to be gone within the next 11 days. So
please hurry and get it all now... okay?
P.P.S. Oh
and take a look below to
see what custom-painters who KNOW are saying about "Radical
Stencil Designs".
"Great stuff! I appreciate you spelling
out everything in such a simple way. Even though I'm just getting
started, you made this easy." _ V. Diaz, Manteca, CA
"The video walked me through it all and the
stencils made it easy. My friends can't believe it. Looks incredible
all I can say is thanks." D. Castillo, Dallas, TX
"I used what I learned from your videos to
make my own stencils. Now I'm custom painting everything in sight
and making big bucks along the way. Work is piling up
I thank
you and so does my wife." R. Staab, Phoenix, AZ
"It's cool, because I painted a tank
in two days and it really wasn't that tough
the bike is now
getting seriously noticed. " R. Zahn, Milwaukee,
"I loved this because it was simple and
my mural turned-out exactly like I wanted. The Sportster looks fantastic.
Thanks!" D. O'Leary, Long Beach, CA
thanks. I didn't believe it
at first, but I just followed everything in the video and it turned
out great!" L. Barnes, Pittsburg, PA

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