Custom Painting Course!
For Anyone REALLY Serious About Making
Money and Impressing The Heck Out Of Friends and
Family With Astonishing Custom Painting Tricks... Check
THIS out...
The Simple�
And Inexpensive 9-Step Process To Astonishing Custom Motorcycle
Painting That�s Perfect For ANYONE -- Even If
You�ve Never Custom Painted In Your Life!
This Custom Motorcycle
Painting Process
Is So Simple That You�ll Know It All In Mere HOURS!
Best Part� You Can Now See It All
For FREE If You Choose � GUARANTEED!
From: Jimbo Curley, Prez, BAA
Dateline � (Southern California) � Tuesday, 8:20am
Dear Friend:
You're gonna LOVE this.
In fact, you may even just thank me later.
You see, I've got a brand NEW custom-paint-and-graphics
"quick-learn" program that's going to open
up a whole new world for you. If you're into custom painted
motorcycles, this will change your life -- forever. I'm
not kidding. Please... read on.
Because I've just finished producing easy-to-follow DVD instruction
that will show you (step-by-step) a PROVEN custom painting
system. Simple, easy-to-learn, and inexpensive cutting edge
prep tips... paint tricks... and even "high dollar"
graphics secrets... (and a lot more)...
from beginning to end. Nothing is left out.
I call it "Custom Paint Pro-Secrets"
package and it's going to blow you away. It's
an astonishingly simple, easy-to-learn system that
true custom bike lovers would give their eye-teeth to learn.
But for right now...
I Want To Let You
See It All FREE If You Choose.
There's even $70 worth of FREE custom paint goodies, including
a "setting up your home shop" audiotape... a "show quality"
audiotape... a "Shop Talk" video and a
wicked "Dragon Fire" video -- all FREE. But more about your
free stuff in a minute.
Here's what's going on: My little company
has been building a great reputation for honest "no bull"
custom paint instruction for some years now. We keep it all
simple and easy-to-learn -- stripping away the nonsense and
giving YOU nothing but the solid info you'll need for "real
world" custom paint-and-graphics.
There's NO "artistic" double talk... no puffed-up
"big-shots" trying to confuse you... no "skipping-over"
critical info... nope. Just straight-forward useful instruction
that you'll be able learn quickly... then use to
impress friends... get instant credibility... or to simply
rake in some extra cash. This no-nonsense approach is the
only reason world-class custom painters will have
anything to do with me and my company.
Now understand that over the years I've been able to make
"deep contacts" inside of the world of custom paint-and-graphics.
Many of these painters are busy producing show bikes and cars...
making BIG money... and unfortunately...
Are Completely Unwilling To
EVER Give-Up
Their Simple Custom Painting Secrets.
They hang onto them like a hungry dog on a bone.
But I've recently had a major
breakthrough. You see, I convinced some super-respected
world-class custom painters to show YOU their simple
"fool-proof" custom paint-and-graphics system.
Okay... so here's what I've got for you.
"MEGA Custom
Paint Secrets"
With Mike Lynch
Total Run Time: 3-1/2 Hours, 2 DVDs
You may have heard of Mike Lynch -- people who know custom
painting sure have. He's well-known in the inner circles of
this industry for doing world-class, mind-blowing,
custom bike-building, paint and graphics.
He's been doing it all for nearly 35 years from his
little Northend Choppers shop in Central California. His work
appears in the biggest truck,
car-and-bike magazines. He's custom-painted literally
thousands of one-of-a-kind jobs, including NASCAR
racer Jeff Gordon's "Silver Crown"
cars... the race cars of Ryan Newman's...
wicked custom cycles for the biggest biker clubs in the world
(yes, including bikes for the Hell's Angels)...
seventeen "Ultra-Custom" bikes
for Easy Rider, (including the now-famous flame job
on the land-speed world-record holder "Stream
Liner")... and on and on. I could go on for
miles here.
Here's what Mike reveals:
- How to achieve a perfect "Mad Dog" marbleized
candy red (all done on an bad-ass Harley FXD owned
by a California Hell's Angels). See Mike use his entire
system -- from ground up -- through silver-white marbleizing
(very cool) and urethane candy red. This stunning "show-quality"
paint job is worth thousands, but seeing exactly how it's
done -- step by step -- is priceless.
- How to make complex letter-painting look
like child's play. End result is high-dollar pro
lettering that requires ZERO "art" skills. (You'll
learn the trick to using your local sign shop for inexpensive
"computer cut" masks). This one will stun
and amaze you!
- How to get a beautiful deep urethane purple candy
paint job. Mike takes you all the way through "the
process" -- from stripping, primer and guide coat,
through basecoat, candy purple and violet pearl. Learn his
simple and highly effective system on the tanks and fenders
of a "Fat Boy" Harley. It's your rare chance
to see an entire show-quality candy paint job from the ground
- How to paint something to look exactly like reflective
chrome... quick and simple lessons to airbrushing
starbursts... simple landscapes... beveled edged lettering...
and a lot more. Believe me... you DON'T need to
know anything about art. We walk you through it all to make
it easy.
- The three simple ways to remove old paint
from your project. Learn when you can get away with a quickie
DA sanding -- and when it's absolutely necessary
to completely strip away ALL old paint to bare metal. Mike
spells it all out so that even a raw beginner can easily
get it right.
- A simple "two-step" letter painting
technique. Wham-bam and suddenly you have
a professional lettering job that you never dreamed possible.
(The amazing thing is that so few custom painters
know about this simple trick.)
- How to get a perfect outline around your lettering
and graphics without having to know a single thing
about pinstriping. This one lesson will instantly give you
the chops of a hot-shot graphics painter and suddenly
fling open a whole new door of income for you.
- An inexpensive non-toxic "miracle" cleaner
that's a critical element in Mike's system.
(It's available at any supermarket). Stick with
this to quickly get any surface free of dreaded silicones
and contaminates to virtually eliminate "fisheyes".
- How to expertly repair tank dings and flaws
for a perfect surface that'll NEVER wave. Mike shows you
exactly which materials to use... how to use them... and
every step required to make an imperfect surface look flawless
-- fast.
- The "three-step" primer-surfacer method
to getting a perfectly smooth "single-level" surface
-- the first key to beautiful "show quality"
work. Watch and learn -- and you'll easily sidestep virtually
99% of "imperfection" headaches for a "smooth
as glass" flawless basecoat color.
- How to use a "hobby" 115-volt mig welder and
a simple hand punch to remove mounting holes and
rivets for a perfectly finished custom look. Trust
me... even a beginner can do this -- you don't need
to be some hotshot welder.
- "Realistic" airbrush and shading
tips that'll suddenly make you look like an experienced
"artist" fast, (without spending years in "art"
school learning about poetry and dead French painters).
- A simple trick to getting all paint -- including primer,
basecoat, and clearcoat to lay down flat as granite.
You'll suddenly and easily melt-away "pebbles"
and orange peel like magic.
- Dozens of tips to avoid sagging paint, wrinkling,
checking, and solvent popping. Learn in minutes
what it took most custom painters YEARS of agony to discover.
Mike's simple system will instantly move you to the "front
of the line".
- Why you DON'T need to know a thing about computers to
have inexpensive complex graphic masks cut for you.
Ask just two simple questions of your local sign
shop to receive easy-to-use masks and stencils (made in
minutes for less than $10) to paint stunning
custom graphics.
- Pro-level spray techniques -- including
tips on psi, fan spread, overlapping coverage, prep between
coats, and a LOT more tricks (too many to mention here),
that'll make you look like a pro straight out of the gate.
- Discover a brand NEW non-adhesive "cling-wrap"
masking material that works like crazy without
gumming up your surface with sticky adhesive. It's clean,
fast and easy and is perfect for unusual shapes (like a
gas tank).
- Exactly how to mix, spray and "saran wrap"
your marbleizing for a wicked "crater and
woodgrain" graphic. Mike explains it all in a simple
down to earth way -- no confusing bull here.
- How to mix, catalyze and spray a urethane candy red over
your marbleizing -- and what you MUST do before top-coating
your marbleizing with any other color. Follow along
closely and you'll easily pull-off this "four
stage" Mad Dog Candy Red paint job with NO
special "art" skills at all. Mind blowing
results with very little effort.
And tons more. Over 3-1/2 hours
of intensive info. Exactly what temperature your
"reducers" need to be to get your basecoats and
clears to "bite" properly... a simple "transfer"
material that makes applying even wildly complex computer
cut masking a breeze... the trick to making letters look like
beefy "heavy metal"... how to use just five easy-to-get
basecolors to mix ANY color you need... why
adjusting your gun during a candy paint job can ruin your
work.... how to create a super-cool "faded
edge" graphics FAST... which brands
to use and exactly how to mix and apply them... how to quickly
add highlights, midtones, and shadows for stunning
3-D results... and on and on. I simply can't
cover it all here. There's too much.
"Wicked &Wild
Special FXs"
With Larry Savi
Total Run Time: 3-1/2 Hours, 2 DVDs
When it comes to custom painting, Larry Savi is considered
one of the world's best. (Maybe you've recently seen him with
Boyd Coddington on "American Hot Rod"?).
He's considered to be a minor "god" in the deep
"inner circles" of the customizing industry working
"hands-on" on over 4,000 custom jobs. Many of them
have won BIG at the country's most prestigious shows including
"First Place" finishes
at the World of Wheels... National T-Bird Show...
All Ford Show... the Good Guys Nationals... Heaven Drags &
More... Greenway... BOP Annual Show... Class Run to the Pines...
and dozens more!His 1932 Ford Roadster custom
job beat out thousands of competitors at the "LA
Roadster Show" to get a special invitation to
the 2002 Fresno "Autorama". For
anyone who doesn't know... that's big stuff.
If Larry dropped over dead tomorrow I swear they'd have to
erect a monument to him somewhere. The good news for YOU is
that Larry's now willing to show you ELEVEN of the most popular,
simple, and easy-to-learn tricks in a 3-hour "quick lesson"
plan. "Wicked and Wild Special FXs"
is powerful information that's a "must see"
for guys who want to make money and have their work earn respect.
Here's just a taste of what Larry shows you in "Wicked
and Wild":
- Exactly how to use dazzling color-changing "Chameleon"
paint. Normally it'd cost you at LEAST a thousand
bucks for the paint alone, but Larry shows you how to lay
down a stunning chameleon paint job for less than $20.
- Which basecoat is absolutely necessary for your chameleon.
It just won't work without this one secret and it's how
you'll get your chameleon paints dancing and shifting
between colors.
- The super-easy and wildly effective trick to Double-Layered
Marbelizing. Like I said - no "artistic"
abilities needed -- just a piece of "Saran Wrap"
for a big time "wow" effect.
- Which kind of basecoat you'll need to achieve the marbelizing
color you want. Larry then shows you how to "soften"
the marblized surface... even a simple trick to achieving
a "flopping marble" effect.
- How to properly spray a "knee-deep" Candy
Basecoat and why you don't want to do this wrong.
Easy to do when you know the trick.
- A super fast way to get perfectly even multi-lines
of a speckled "Water Drop" special
effect using nothing more than a squirt bottle of
water and a tack rag. You'll be blown away when
you see how quick and easy this secret is.
- How to achieve a dazzling "Heavy Metal Flake"
that'll make you look like a pro -- fast.
Larry carefully explains exactly how to mix a "dry
flake" into different clears and what you need to know
about spraying it for perfectly even coverage. (No worries
- Larry walks you through it all step-by-step).
- How you can use a simple "basecoat" color to
achieve a metal flake that's quicker.. uses less material...
and is dramatically more stunning.
- How to get a super-cool "Vreeble Crackle"
effect. This is absolutely priceless and alone
is worth the price of this entire video package. Spray on
this special "crackle" material and you'll quickly
get a raised "aligator skin" texture.
You've got to see this to believe it.
- How to properly apply and fade deep candies using intercoat
clear and "House of Kolor" intensifier candies.
Larry shows you the proper way to achieving a rich
candy color and how to apply a simple "Candy
Fade" between two colors. Easy to do once
you see how.
- The Card Masking trick for a wicked and
dramatic "Kolidoscope" special
FX. Use a plain business card, a few candies, and a simple
criss cross pattern for stunning results that'll blow paying
customers away. They won't know HOW you did it.
- How to use a sea-sponge (or a simple kitchen sponge) and
two-toned enamel paints to get dramatic "speckled
accents". This is a simple trick you'll want
to hang onto when you need impressive results fast and easy.
- A simple airbrushed "Streaking Candy"
FX that uses four candies and a "pearl white"
basecoat to produce a wicked backdrop. Savi shows you which
airbrush makes this work go fast and furious. Use
this trick all by itself or as an impressive "ripaway"
backdrop to other graphics. (Either way you'll look like
a seasoned pro).
- Spraying and cutting "spray mask"
to get a "splat" special FX. Larry shows you exactly
how to prep your backdrop graphics... how to apply and cut
spray mask... and how to use the "positive" and
"negative" cuts to assist in drop shadows, shading
and more.
- Using "frisket", a white basecoat, and a brilliant
pearl to achieve "super-bright pearl"
flames. You'll swear this color glows in the dark.
- A simple "wham-bam" paint trick that uses two
different basecoat colors and a simple flame stencil to
add wild texture in minutes.
And a lot more. Flexible "plastic"
tape-out secrets... exactly how to reduce
and apply "Spray Mask" through a standard paint
gun... unmasking tips for maintaining super-sharp
clean edges... surface prep secrets to bypass
common mistakes... a simple and inexpensive way to
speed-up dry times... exactly which spray
guns are necessary to get the job done right... simple
"panel" design secrets for crisp, clean borders
without pinstriping... overlapping, drop shadowing
and layering tips... eliminating "lifting"
and rough edges... which paints and materials to use and exactly
how to mix them... and more. TONS more.
These are 11 secrets that most customizers had to practically
kill for. But I'm NOT going to kid you -- they're
not for everyone. This is only for guys who want break into
the advanced big-dollar side of this business by "building"
their own collection of "must-know" tricks and secrets.
With Larry Savi
Total Run Time: 2-1/2 Hours, 2 DVDs
If you didn't read about Larry Savi's hot-shot accomplishments,
I spelled it all out above, in the "Wicked & Wild" description.
Anyway, Larry sent me a virtual goldmine of instructional
video-footage showing exactly -- step-by-step --
how he transformed a beat-up Harley "Sportster" from
an ugly, half-painted and raw-metal hulk, to a stunning custom-painted
"show-stopper". He demonstrates everything -- prep...
filler... custom paint... and of course the stunning final
graphics... in simple and easy-to-follow straight-talk. This
is a true masterpiece for anyone interested
in learning the simple "insider" secrets to body-paint-and-graphics
Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in
this incredible video-set:
- A little known but powerful trick for "tri-layering"
white pearl. Larry shows you the simple steps to
amazingly brilliant white pearl with almost no
"build" and very little effort. This one demonstration alone
is worth double the price of this entire package.
- Easy and inexpensive prep secrets for any factory-ordered
sheet-metal products. These are tips you MUST know
this before painting on any raw metal "after-market" specialty
- How to use a spray bottle, water and a simple pearl to
achieve a stunning "rain drop" multi-colored
ghost graphics.
- The one trick for color-checking your work
to avoid screw-ups. While others are struggling
to get the colors right, you'll be moving ahead with a fool
proof system.
- Homemade fender and tank stand tips to
make the job a breeze. You'll especially like the simple
"plain washers" trick for adding extra stability.
- How to achieve an absolutely stunning bright-orange
pearl. Larry shows you the simple "two-step" process
for getting this normally transparent color to practically
glow in the dark.
- Simple metal-grinding... stripping-wheel... and
buff-down tips to get any bare metal eager
to accept "filler". Larry demonstrates everything in detail
to make working from bare metal a breeze.
- A cool "transfer and flip" spray mask trick
that will let you perfectly match both sides of your artwork
and save you hours of work. Stun your customizing buddies
with this one.
- A "spray bondo" (very cool)
that allows you to do filler work over large areas -- from
your spray gun. Larry makes it simple for you,
showing you exactly how to mix, spray and "feather" it for
perfectly smooth and even body shaping.
- The little known secret to sealing off the gas
cap neck so you NEVER have to worry about gas and
fumes "creeping" under your custom paint. It's inexpensive
and simple... and ensures that your custom job is protected
- What kinds of catalysts you should use
and why you never want to "over-harden". This one simple
tip will save you the agony of a "crackled" job and wasted
- How to undercoat your fenders. Larry
shows you which brand to use, (and which one you NEVER want
to use), how to apply it, and the simple secret that'll
later allow you to easily "rinse away" any mud and grime...
always keeping the underside of your fenders squeaky-clean.
- Three simple ways to quicken drying and set-up
times, allowing you to move along quickly and without
- Why building multi-layers of "bondo" on a Harley fender
is a bad idea. Larry shows you simple alternatives
that'll last forever.
- Hand "contouring" secrets and tips for
developing a superior "feel" -- simple secrets that'll have
you quickly customizing alongside the best.
- Rage Gold "filler" mixing and spreading tips.
Use it alone or mix in "metal glaze" to make it smooth as
cream. Larry gives you a "quick-learn" on filler mixing,
spreading, and shaping to make it all oh-so-easy
for you.
- The trick to using "wash primer" for
greater adhesion and rust protection. You'll discover everything
about mixing, spraying and flashing to make your
primer stick like glue to raw metal.
- A cool "Lesonal" primer-surfacer that
allows excellent "build" for easy sand-backs and amazing
"shaping" properties. This will allow you to easily wipe
away flaws and imperfections for a perfect surface and smooth
"feather backs".
- Why you NEVER want to wet-sand filler and poly-surfacer.
This one "heads-up" will spare you many hours of heartache
-- easily side-stepping big problems.
- Larry's favorite spray guns and which
he uses for gel-coats, primers, basecoats and metallics.
No need to "figure it out" -- Larry shows you exactly which
ones you need.
- Why the pros always "guide coat" body
filler and primer-surfacer. You'll quickly discover how
to ensure that ALL imperfections and orange peel are gone
- Proper mixing order for "true mix". This
simple procedure will ensure you're doing it right for perfect
- The simple tricks to getting away with mixing
and matching different brand names. Paint reps
will tear out their hair when you show them this -- but
Larry takes out all the worries.
- The easy to follow steps to mixing, applying and wet-sanding
your final clear protection for a smooth-as-glass
finish. Larry walks you through it all, clearly demonstrating
and explaining every stage so there's nothing left to
- The amazing "razor scrape" leveling trick
that strikes fear into the hearts of even experienced customizers.
Larry shows you the simple way to how it's done and why
it's the fastest and easiest way -- saving you hours
of tough sanding.
And more... a LOT more!
Watch it in the morning and start using it in the afternoon.
It's that simple and easy to follow. But
the best part is that you don't need to be a rich
hot-shot with some high-tech "Monster Garage" to pull this
off. No way. Larry shows you ALL these easy tricks and insider
secrets -- using nothing but a handful of simple tools
and less than a hundred bucks worth of materials.
There's no expensive equipment, no staff of grunts helping
out, no impossible to find products. Just simple and easy-to-learn
customizing secrets that you'd probably NEVER figure-out on
your own. Stunning drop-shadow tricks... "crossover" graphics...
avoiding "flat spots" in your job... double-action airbrush
tricks... how to mix "intensifier" urethane candies... determining
paint "opacity" for hyper-brilliant colors... and
tons more. It's powerful information
that you simply won't find anywhere else.
Alright -- here are the packages available to you.
1.) The "Platinum
This is the highest level. If you want to get "up to speed",
custom painting and making money as quickly as possible, then
this is what you'll want. The FREE bonuses will be automatically
added to your package with NO additional shipping and handling.
- "Mega Custom Paint Secrets" with
Mike Lynch (3-1/2 hours).
- "Wicked & Wild Special FXs" with
Larry Savi (3-1/2 hours).
- "Firestorm" with Larry Savi (2-1/2
- $156 Of FREE Bonues, including:
- "Setting Up Your Home Shop" audiotape
(3/4 hour). A TON of tips to inexpensively getting your
own home shop up and running. Worth $29 -- yours FREE!
- "Show Quality" audiotape (3/4 hour).
Killer secrets to quickly getting any custom motorcycle
stunning enough to win shows (or just draw crowds of gawkers).
Worth $29 -- yours FREE!
- "Dragon Fire" video footage (1/2 hour).
A very "hot" graphic effect that's fun and easy to pull
off. This "real fire" dragon effect will stun and amaze!
Worth $49 -- yours FREE!
- "Shop Talk" video footage (3/4 hour).
Critical info on the "nuts and bolts" of removing a cycle
tank, secrets to working like a true paint pro, and insider
tips running a chopper shop. Good stuff here. Worth
$49 -- yours FREE!
- 6 DVDs
- Total Run Time: Over 9-1/2 hours
- 4 FREE Bonuses (worth $156)
- Reg Price: $271 Your Price:
The "Platinum Pac" To My Cart
2.) The "Gold
This is a damn good package. If you want a stripped down version
to get up and running fast -- without all the extra goodies
and bells and whistles -- then this will do it just fine.
As part of my "E-commerce" tesou're getting a great price
(better than everyone else), and your package will include.
- "Mega Custom Paint Secrets" with
Mike Lynch (3-1/2 hours).
- "Firestorm" with Larry Savi (2-1/2
- 4 DVDs
- Total Run Time: Over 6 hours
- Reg Price: $174 Your Price:
The "Gold Pac" To My Cart
3.) The "Silver
If you're curious about whether custom painting is for you
and you simply want to quickly sink your teeth into some very
cool custom paint secret then this is a good choice. It's
a great way to get your "feet wet" while STILL getting a killer
price break -- HALF of what everyone else paid!
- "Firestorm" with Larry Savi
- 2 DVDs
- Total Run Time: Over 2-1/2 hours
- Reg Price: $77 Your Price:
The "Silver Pac" To My Cart
Here's how you can get this now: I encourage
you to add one of these packages to your cart now. Use your
credit card. It's all encrypted and perfectly safe (actually,
it's more secure than using a credit card at your
favorite restaurant). You're getting an absolute bargain
(especially with the "Platinum Pac").
But hold on... I want to
make this completely RISK FREE for you by putting ALL
the risk on my own shoulders. So I'm giving you...
One Full YEAR
To Check This Out.
That's right... one year! If after 12 full
months you're not 100% happy for ANY reason -- even
NO reason -- simply send it back and I'll personally refund
every penny of your purchase price... no questions
asked... no hassles either. You won't find another
company in this industry that stands behind their products
like this. It's your chance to see it all for FREE
if you choose. As a valued "hotlist" member,
I totally trust your judgment on this.
That's how confident I am that you'll absolutely LOVE this.
But unfortunately, as with all good things...
There Is One "Catch".
Now I've sold tens of thousands of these dvds around
the world and full price, so you have to understand that it'd
be plain foolish of me to practically give-away my best-selling
instructional DVDs at these insanely slashed prices. But this
is the first real effort I put into "internet" marketing.
This is just a "market test" to see if guys like you are willing
to purchase custom painting stuff over the web.
I'll be running this "market test" for just a short period
-- just to see if it'll work. So this web page, and these
packages (with these insanely low prices) may "disappear"
at any time. Choose one of the following now:
The "Platinum Pac" To My Cart
The "Gold Pac" To My Cart
The "Silver Pac" To My Cart
So I'd jump on this now if I were you. Even if your just
curious, it's all RISK FREE to you. You've got nothing to

Prez, BAA
P.S. Oh... and listen to what other custom
painters who KNOW are saying:
"Excellent tapes! Keep the paint flowin!"
-- R. Dalesio, Norwalk, CT
"Right after quitting my job, I ordered your videos.
Your videos have helped me go into custom bike painting full
time. I'm making some of the `big money' you mentioned and
owe a big thanks to your videos. Keep the videos coming."
-- B. Morris, Oklahoma City, OK
"Impressive... the tapes are great! Keep up the great
-- R. Castillo, Grand Prairie, TX
"Thank you very much for letting these `secrets' out
of the bag. One guy kept telling me that I should get a `real'
job, not this paint stuff. Little did he know, that
I was working about 20 hours total, (by choice), and still
taking in about 3 times what this bozo was making at 40 plus
hours per week. He eventually figured it out when he
saw I had more `toys' than he did. Your information videos
are just the right ticket that I have been seeking for many
years. Thanks again!"
-- T. McDaniel, Lake Havasu, AZ
"The DVD's are just full of info. The way he explains
things is simple and also very informative. He has the knack
of making any dill understand. The BAA newsletter is also
very helpful as well."
-- J. Mercaldi, Melbourne, Australia
"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you. I have
watched the tapes a few times and learn something every time.
I am very much inspired by your tapes and newsletter. Please
keep up the great work you are doing for us poor old beginners."
-- R. Huggy, Munsie, Indiana
"Top quality -- just like everything else I have bought
from you."
-- E. McMayon, Spring, TX
"I thoroughly enjoyed your videos and am getting ready
to spray a flame job -- the first time at 60 years old have
I had the courage to tackle a project of this magnitude. Thank
-- C. Hawkins, Portsmith, NH
"I have all your videos and I think they're the best
out there. Can't wait for your next one."
-- C. Huey, Twin Lakes, MN
"I know you said you'd would refund my money -- but
forget it ! You could offer me ten times that much and I would
not part with this videoset!"
-- D. Mayhall, Davenport, OK
These are guys who've watched these dvd's and loved
them. I know you will too. Choose one package now. You'll
be glad you did.
The "Platinum Pac" To My Cart
The "Gold Pac" To My Cart
The "Silver Pac" To My Cart
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